Scott and Kimberly Gorrill

Scott and Kimberly,
Kara, Maci & Caleb


From: Noblesville, Indiana            

Arrived in the Dominican: August 4, 2020

Current Financial Support Level: 93%




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Freedom International Ministries, Inc.
9957 Crosspoint Blvd, Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN  46256

** Write checks payable to Freedom International Ministries, Inc. Include "Gorrill Family" on the memo line. **


Our Testimonies

I grew up knowing the love and affection of only a mother. My biological father was not in the picture and had no place in my life. I was the man of the house, there to watch out for my mom and help take care of my brother who is a year and a half younger than me. We rarely attended church and if we did it was of the Catholic sort, it was just a place to go on Sunday, well at least a few times a year.

My mom re-married when I was nine, much to my dismay, and we began going to church more regularly. I went through first communion and reconciliation in the Catholic church, with no understanding of what I was doing. I remember thinking before entering the priestly cubicle, “I can’t just sit and stare at him, so I better come up with something to tell him that I’ve done wrong.” I continued through life as a good kid, but nothing that was honoring to the Lord. 

Soon after we moved to Warrenville Illinois, we began attending a bible church which was much different than the Catholic church I had become accustomed. I remember being involved in the Jr. High group and loving it. I always came prepared with my sword, writing utensil, and my memory verse. Little did I know that those verses would be the seeds that later grew to genuine believing faith. One of the 1st verses I ever memorized was Eph. 4:29, “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word that is good for edification, according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.”   I loved that group, but it was not until the summer before my freshman year of high school that my life really changed.

We took a trip for summer camp out to the Mountains of Colorado. I continued to see the love, care and compassion the students had among each other. Especially in the way they spoke to one another. I wanted that and realized that their love came from Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He made on the cross. Their testimony combined with the memorized Word played significant roles in the Lord drawing me to Himself. It was at that camp that the Lord grabbed me and began to use me for His good. My mom noticed an immediate change when I returned home and told her of the good news. My mom and step-father were saved shortly after my conversion as well. The Lord has graciously placed men in my life whom I have been discipled by and grown to love. Each one has challenged me in different ways to continually seek and follow the Lord no matter what season of life I am in. This process has continued through the accountability and discipleship I have received from many godly men the Lord has placed in my life.

The Lord continues to mold me into the man, husband and father that he has created me to be. I am forever grateful for His constant love and forgiveness along with His patience as I strive to know Him more deeply.


I grew up in a church going home where the Lord began to pursue me at an early age. I remember, around the age of 7, being in the parking lot of where my dad worked and asking my mom how you get to heaven. It was then I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin and come into my life. I was a first-born, perfectionist & a people-pleaser, so I don’t remember my life changing much. But in Jr. High I do recall living like two different people—one way at church and home & a different way at school. I specifically remember struggling with my words & being unkind. The Holy Spirit was convicting me but I pushed Him away or ignored Him. The summer before my 9th or 10th grade year, I went on a missions trip to Mexico. The pastor there gave a devotional each morning. One morning he gave it from Romans 12:1-2

“Therefore, I urge you brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy & pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do Not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test & approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing & perfect will.”

It was then the Spirit opened the eyes of my heart to understand He didn’t just want a prayer—He wanted my speech, my thoughts, my actions, my desires—all of me. That is when my walk with Jesus began…..and what a journey it has been. He is so faithful & been so patient. I love looking back & seeing His hand through people who have poured into & discipled me, churches we have had the privilege of being apart of to grow under His Word & serve the body and how He is continually using life circumstances to show me my daily need of Him & His Word & how He is faithful to making me more like Him—learning to love Him & others more & to trust Him in all things. I am forever grateful to my Jesus for His grace, faithfulness & His unconditional love for me.
