Kurt and Katie Cline

Kurt and Katie,
Max and Derek


From: Celina, Ohio

Arrived in the Dominican: June 21, 2011

Current Financial Support Level: 100%



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Freedom International Ministries, Inc.
9957 Crosspoint Blvd, Suite 100
Indianapolis, IN  46256

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     I grew up going to a Lutheran Church in Archbold, OH where I completed catechism and learned who God was. My parents raised me with quality morals and a hard work ethic, as they were excellent examples for me as I grew up. The problem with the whole picture was that I had never learned what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

     As a junior in High School I was highly involved with sports and interested in achieving above average grades. I was not involved with girls, drugs, or alcohol and in the eyes of most heading in the right direction, but there was still something missing in my life. Early in my junior year I was invited to a Christian based youth group called "the Outback" ran by a few volunteers and a Youth For Christ sponsored coordinator. This was the first time that I learned what it meant to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. On January 1st of 2002 during a New Years Eve party, I gave my life to Christ and began my dramatic life changes. Immediately, my coaches, teachers, and parents started noticing a change in my attitude and the way I showed respect to authority. My language changed as well as my desire to eliminate other sins in my life. Although my parents were skeptical of my changes, they saw the positive influence that my faith was having.

     Since this time, my faith has shaped all of my major life decisions including University selection, a spouse, along with what I do with my free time, money, and talents. Christ has given me a fulfilling purpose for my life, and I owe him my life for the grace he has shown me.


     I have known who God is since I was a little girl. I grew up in a wonderful Christian home. My parents are Christians. They read the Bible to me, surrounded me with believers, & taught me right from wrong. I realized that I needed Christ in my life at a young age, but I don't think I understood what that meant until high school. I would constantly ask God into my heart any time there was an "altar call." I was not sure if I was actually saved. I wanted to be a Christian & I would probably say I was, but I was so afraid that I didn't do it right.

     In high school, I started to be more confident in who I was in Christ. I realized that I didn't need to keep asking Him into my life; He had accepted me the first time. What I needed to do now was build on that relationship I had by being like Christ & doing what He called me to do in His Word. I learned a lot about the Bible & knew I was a Christian, but it wasn't until college that I actually was able to make my faith my own.

     It was easy for me to declare my faith in high school because I was never challenged by others. I wasn't until I met my husband that I was asked to describe my faith. He was a Christian when I met him, & he helped me to realize that I didn't know exactly why I believed besides the fact that it was the right thing to do. With this realization, I was able to make my faith my own. I believe because I can see all the sin in the world & what it does to people. So many people are lost & have nothing or no one to go to. I have Christ & He loves me so much that he was willing to take my sin upon Himself & die in my place.

     There is much more to this life than living for ourselves. I have made the commitment to continue to grow in Christ. My goal in life is to be more like Him.
